Day: November 23, 2020

What Are the Risks Associated With Breast Implants?What Are the Risks Associated With Breast Implants?

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery then it is important to understand the risks that may arise. Your surgeon will do his best to make sure that you have the best experience possible during and after the procedure. Unfortunately, some complications do happen. If you are considering undergoing this surgery then read on to find out what these complications can be.

One of the biggest risks with breast implants is infection. While you will be under the supervision of a skilled and trained surgeon, he may not always be able to spot the problem. There is always the chance that bacteria will get into the implant and the surrounding area will become infected. Some common bacteria to look out for include staph, salmonella, gonorrhea, and e-coli.

Another risk associated with breast implant surgery is the possibility of a leak. Some implants can be leaky or the tissue inside can rupture. This can be quite dangerous and if left untreated could result in severe scarring.

Another complication of breast implants is the chance of a tear. Most implants are made from silicone and as this is not exactly a tissue like substance, it is not as stable as more rigid tissues and may break under pressure. The most common cause of a rupture is trauma caused by sudden changes in position. An example of this would be when you have your implants placed by an untrained surgeon.

In addition to these risks, there is also the potential of developing a leak in your breast implants. As long as you follow all of your doctor’s recommendations for feeding and cleaning then there is no reason why you should ever develop a leak.

If you are considering undergoing breast implants then you should be aware of the potential risks that can arise from the procedure. Make sure you discuss your options with your doctor in detail before making any decisions regarding this type of surgery.

Other potential risks associated with breast implants include the potential for a skin tear or implant malfunction. Since this type of surgery can be quite invasive, there is always the chance of an injury. The skin tear is a common complication of this type of procedure and can occur if you do not follow the directions to the letter.

Another common complication is that an implant can fail and have to be replaced. While it is possible to repair a faulty implant, this is usually done only if the surgeon is confident in his work. Even if the implant does survive, it is a very expensive procedure.

If you are considering undergoing the procedure of having breast implants then there are risks. But there are also many advantages to this type of procedure, which is why so many women choose to go through with this treatment.

Daniela Rodriguez MD – Michigan
21727 Greater Mack Ave, St Clair Shores, MI 48080
(586) 777-7260